Spherecast is an inventory copilot supporting e-commerce brands with demand planning, purchase order optimization & cash flow projections.

<aside> <img src="/icons/rocket_orange.svg" alt="/icons/rocket_orange.svg" width="40px" /> E-Commerce, Supply Chain, Logistics


<aside> <img src="/icons/map-pin-alternate_orange.svg" alt="/icons/map-pin-alternate_orange.svg" width="40px" /> Munich, Germany


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<aside> <img src="/icons/invitation_orange.svg" alt="/icons/invitation_orange.svg" width="40px" /> [email protected]


<aside> <img src="/icons/phone-call_orange.svg" alt="/icons/phone-call_orange.svg" width="40px" /> +49 1724467874


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Pitch Deck

Leon Hergert_Spherecast.pdf

SphereCast GP.mp4

Investment Highlights

Team from the TUM & CDTM ecosystem with supply chain, software entrepreneurship and machine learning expertise is building an inventory copilot for multi-channel brands. Focus on end-to-end planning from demand, procurement to cashflow with machine learning and optimisation techniques. Signed light-house e-com brands and fulfilment provider proving product value and go-to-market motions.

Fundraising Timeline/ Investors Ask

Team is raising 250k from angels with expertise in supply chain, e-commerce, logistics and B2B software.

About Founder

After completing his second semester of his Bachelor's degree, Leon worked at Lufthansa Technik in Beijing, where he tackled supply chain issues as a data scientist. His expertise in innovation led him to win the Q-Summit Hackathon, where he and his team secured first place among 16 teams by applying explainable AI methods. Additionally, his tenure as a Product Manager at Hive Technologies deepened his experience in the e-commerce domain, marking the second time he encountered the out-of-stock problem firsthand. Leon also demonstrates leadership in technology, serving as the Partners & Sponsors Team Lead at TUM.ai and leading consulting projects in the tech domain, such as a forecasting project for a tax-tech startup. His academic excellence has been recognized with multiple scholarships, including the PROMOS and Deutschlandstipendium. Furthermore, he was selected for the CDTM, ranking among the top 25 students out of more than 400 applicants.

About Company

In a landscape where e-commerce brands are diversifying across multiple channels earlier than ever, and with Amazon imposing a low inventory level fee starting in April, the pressure and complexity of inventory planning is higher than ever before.

Poor inventory planning can lead to the arch-enemy of operations: Out-of-stock situations.

These scenarios result in lost revenue for brands, decreased revenue for fulfillment providers, and dissatisfaction among customers. In essence, everyone loses.

This is where Spherecast comes into play: A solution designed to eliminate out-of-stock situations, unlocking value for e-commerce brands worldwide and scaling through fulfillment providers.

We assist brands in creating the ideal demand plan, purchase order plan, and in precisely projecting their cash flows. Powered by machine learning and non-linear optimization techniques.

<aside> <img src="/icons/video-camera_orange.svg" alt="/icons/video-camera_orange.svg" width="40px" /> Sounds interesting? Book a call with the fellow via calendly here.

